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Back to confidence: get your self-confidence back!

Hey you!

We know that back-to-school season can be tough, and it is sometimes a struggle to find the confidence to pursue our goals and our dreams.

But today, we've put together some of our top tips for regaining your self-confidence! We've shared them with you below, in the hope that it might help some of you who are experiencing a slight drop in self-esteem. 🫶


#1 Tell yourself positive affirmations (out loud).

Verbalise and hear your voice saying affirmations will help you believe these. It can feel uncomfortable at the beginning (don't worry you're not alone), but I promise that this first step will kick-start the self-confidence process!

#2 Think about 1 thing you did this year that you haven't done before that made you feel good.

Difficult one as well? I am 100% sure you have something! Think about it deeply: is it an activity, a challenge, a sport, a recipe, an achievement in your professional project, a gift you offered, a pardon granted, a promise kept? Is it something new or something different? And why did it make you happy?

#3 Focus on why you want to achieve this dream or this goal.

To achieve an objective, it is important to ask yourself the right questions and to know why you want to achieve it. A project will not succeed if the reasons for it are not the right ones. Focus on your values and on what really matters to YOU, that is the key of success.

#4 Repeat to yourself: "I can and I will do this."

Again, you can say it out loud! And the more you will repeat that to yourself, the more you'll believe it, even if you don't at first. There is a nice quote that says: "Fake it until you make it."

#5 Reward yourself for every little step forward.

Last but not least! People usually don't recognise and appreciate the little step forward they've taken. No matter how small, progress is still progress. Take a moment to realise how far you've come before continuing your journey. Don't minimise the impact of rewarding yourself, that's what will keep you going the distance.

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